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Welcome! Are you ready to rock this? (9:23)
Get into the right mindset (4:05)
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Crafting Promotional Offers
Give away your best to keep them (4:19)
Specific examples to get you going (5:17)
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Front Desk Focus - getting this right first will impact you the most.
Improving your staff's listening and understanding skills (11:09)
Asking good questions (3:15)
Crafting the perfect visit script (13:16)
Getting the most from your script (24:37)
When you’re busy
Optional: creating a presentation (8:13)
Commissions - they work!
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Skipio - text message for members, lapsed members, and potential members
What it is, what it does, and what it can do (19:23)
Make sure you can handle this schedule
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Zapier! (10:54)
Skipio (4:30)
Reporting and integrating into workflow
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Your Website and Marketing Material
What you need and what you don't (11:12)
User experience - colors, words, and clicks (11:12)
Video! (10:29)
Local SEO = key to the next steps
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Reviews for the win
Creating an online Sales Funnel - in goes your work and out comes the money!
An overview of our suggested sales funnel (3:37)
Making a landing page - edit more (8:55)
Zapier - Facebook lead management
Facebook and Instagram Ads
Advanced Facebook ad techniques
Groupon, Google advertising, and more
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How much to spend on advertising
Tweaking what works and continuously improving
Secret shopping
Event marketing and boothing
Testing and tweaking your ads
Extras, but what about . . .
Social media accounts
Auto emails for retention
Customer service online and via phone
Phone calls for growth
Catching Corporate Accounts
Seasonal Campaigns - when to do what
All the cool productivity tools and systems we use
Tweaking for better success
Competitions and Challenges
Go forth and conquer!
You are done! Now what!? (0:58)
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